Rachel and Ryan's Sneak Peek...Literally!

It really doesn't matter what kind of photographer you are. You could shoot thousands and thousands of photos, but sometimes there are these gems that completely stand out above the others. That's what this photo was to me at Rachel and Ryan's wedding. I knew as I was taking it that it would be my favorite among all of the shots of theirs. Trust me, I've sifted through lots that are fantastic from their event (which you'll see later this week), but this one tops them all. Why? This shot was quite literally a sneak peek. Rachel and Ryan had just become husband and wife, and they were absorbing all of that in a nearby prayer room. I was finishing up shots of their wedding party recessing out of the church, and also prepping for the group shots to take after the ceremony. After a good five to ten minutes, I exited the sanctuary to go talk to Ryan and Rachel and let them know we were almost ready to begin the group shots. Just before I got to the door of the prayer room, I looked up to see Ryan and Rachel hugging. I grabbed my camera, and "Click!" I took a photo of Rachel and Ryan kissing through that one panel of glass in the door I was about to knock on. A-maz-ing.Now, I realize you can pose shots like this. I even have some photos right after this of them sitting and posing for me through that same panel of glass through the door. However, nothing beats the exhilaration of capturing a photo like that right when the moment happens. They had no idea I had taken that photo until afterward, and I just love that. You can't get a moment like that back. Sure, you can pose it, but then you know it's a pose. Knowing that this shot is candid makes it 100 times sweeter.

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did! Thanks for looking!




Rachel and Ryan's McLean Virginia Wedding - Part One!


Jacqueline and Ryan's Danville, Virginia Wedding